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Child Find


Milltown School District
Milltown, New Jersey 08850
(Middlesex County)

Milltown Public Schools Seeks to Identify Potentially Disabled Preschool and School Age Students
Consistent with the New Jersey Administrative Code, Title 6A: Chapter 14, the Child Study Team for the Milltown School District (Milltown, NJ) is seeking to identify preschool age and school age students who are in need of special education and related services, including students with disabilities attending nonpublic schools, regardless of the severity of their disabilities. In addition, the district is interested in identifying the needs of migrant and homeless children.
Any parent/guardian or agency believing that a child may be in need of special education and related services should contact the Office of Student Support Services, located at Joyce Kilmer School in the Milltown School District (Milltown, New Jersey) at: (732)- 214-2365 – press 4