
Dr. Stephanie Brown, Superintendent/Curriculum Director
Milltown Public Schools curriculum is aligned to the NJ Student Learning Standards in grades K-8. Instructional programs and strategies are based on the latest educational research and best practice models to support high student achievement. This curriculum is approved for all regular education programs as specified and for adoption or adaptation by all programs including those for Special Education, English Language Learners, At-Risk Students and Gifted and Talented Students in accordance with Board of Education Policy.
Milltown Public Schools Curriculum
Please click the link above.

6-8: enVision Math 2024
6 HON: Into Math Advanced 1
7 HON: Into Math Advanced 2
8 ACC: enVision Algebra 1
6-8: Interactive Science

Constitution Day Requirements and Lessons
Grade 4: Savvas, myWorld New Jersey
Grade 5: Savvas, myWorld Building Our Country
Grade 6: McGraw Hill, Discovering Our Past: A History of the World, Early Ages
Grade 7: McGraw Hill, Discovering Our Past: A History of the United States, Early Years
Grade 8: McGraw Hill ,Building Citizenship: Civics & Economics

The full Health & PE curriculum is available under the Milltown Public Schools Curriculum link at the top of this page.