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Strategic Plan - Vision 2025




Milltown Public Schools will continue to build upon traditions that embed Parkview and Joyce Kilmer within the fabric of the community while seeking to remain committed to forward-thinking authentic learning experiences that promote academic excellence, environmental awareness and the health and wellness of our students and educational community.


The Milltown School District is proud to have adopted Vision 2025, our 3-year strategic plan. After a comprehensive planning process that spanned 4 open public meetings during the fall of 2022, stakeholders representing staff and parents finalized goals and objectives to drive our district forward.


Our strategic plan is based within the framework of Sustainable Jersey for Schools that challenges districts to take action on a wide range of interrelated components related to people, prosperity and the planet.  By adopting the action plans below in each of the identified goals, Milltown Public Schools has demonstrated its commitment to authentic learning opportunities for students and staff that implement steps to be sustainable and proactive in preparing students for the challenges they will face in the future.


Our District Leadership Team acts as the steering committee for our strategic plan with members from our Board of Education, MEA leadership, and Administration charged with guiding the completion of the planned objectives.  Benchmark reports are provided at the Board of Education meetings after the October, February and June reporting periods, and are posted on the website. Parent and community input continues to be important to the progress of the plan and achievement of the goals.  The domain categories and summary focus for our action plans are listed in the chart and the full plan is linked below.


Successful completion of action plan goals earns points toward certification in the Sustainable Jersey recognition program.  Currently both Parkview and Joyce Kilmer Schools have been awarded bronze status with Sustainable Jersey and are also recognized as Digital Star schools.


The categories selected for our action plans are listed below.  All other Sustainable Jersey categories can be found on the Sustainable Jersey website at Certification Actions.




  1. Digital Learning Practices
    • Personalized Learning & Growing Independent Learners (ELL)
  2. Learning Environment 
    • Outdoor Classroom
  1. School Culture & Climate
    • Inclusive Environments
    • Community Education & Outreach



  1. Waste Management & Recycling
    • Food Waste Management
  1. Food & Nutrition 
    • Healthy Food Choices
  2. Student & Staff Wellness
    • Promote Physical Activity
Year One
Strategic Plan 2022-2023
Year Two
Strategic Plan 2023-2024
Year Three
Strategic Plan 2024-2025
Benchmark 2/2025
Benchmark 6/2025