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Student Code of Conduct



The Code of Student Conduct (CSC) is reviewed annually by parent, student and community stakeholders.  Students are represented by elected Student Council members.  Parents are represented by Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) members. The community is represented by members of the Milltown Education Association (MEF).  Each stakeholder group is asked to provide feedback on the CSC, with special focus given to the following areas:

  • Core ethical values
  • CSC violations and associated consequences
  • The health, safety and social and emotional well-being of students
  • The establishment of a school environment conducive to learning
  • The promotion of high academic standards
  • The prevention of behavior problems
  • Parameters for intervention and prevention of behavior problems

The Superintendent reports on HIB and CSC data two times a year at an open public Board of Education meeting. Each school develops an annual action plan that considers HIB and CSC data in the activities and goals included in the plan.  The plan serves as a means to measure the degree of effectiveness of the CSC in addressing the purposes and contents of the CSC.