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Parents » Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: When I am picking up or dropping off my child at Parkview School, where do I park?

A:  Parking is only permitted in the Borough Lot across the street from Parkview School.  If not using the Drop Off Loop, parents should park near the ball fields and walk over crossing with the crossing guard to meet their children.  The only time parking is permitted in the teacher's parking area is if you are picking up a sick child from the nurse's office.

Q: Where do I park at JK when dropping off or picking up my child?

A:  If you are dropping off your child at JK please drive down past the steps where the crossing guard is located and pull over on the right side of the street to discharge children.  When picking up, please park in the Milltown Library parking lot and walk across at the crossing area to meet your child.  The only time you should park in the JK parking lot is if you are picking up a sick child from the nurse's office.

Q: Where can I find the Student Handbook?

A: The Student Handbook may be found under the Parents tab.

Q: I do not have a copy of the school lunch menu or price list for my child's school.   How can I find out what is being served for lunch or how much it will cost?

A: The Parkview Lunch Menu, Parkview Price List, Joyce Kilmer Lunch Menu, and Joyce Kilmer Price List for can be downloaded from the school district website (Information>Lunch Menu & Information).  
Q: How can I find out about school closings such as holidays/early dismissal days, etc?
A:   All school closings, holidays and early dismissal days are listed on the school calendar that was issued at the beginning of the school year. If you don't have one, please contact the main office at your child’s school or download the District School Calendar from the school website.

Q: When there is an early dismissal day or delayed opening day, where can I find out about school hours?

A: All school schedules can be found in the Pupil, Parent & Staff Handbook and under the Information Link - School Hours. 

Q: When there is a school closing due to inclement weather conditions, how can I find out if school is closed or if there is a delayed opening?

A: We have instituted a "Honeywell Alert" system that enables Dr. Brown to call all home and cell phone numbers on record for each child.  The phone message will be enabled if there is a delayed opening or closing by 7 AM.  Detailed information about delayed openings or school closings can also be found in the Pupil, Parent & Staff Handbook as well as Inclement Weather Information on the district website.  Radio stations WCTC-1450 AM and WKXW-101.5 FM will be announcing delayed openings or school closings periodically on the radio. The information is also listed under Emergencies on the school district website,, and may be posted on Cable Channel 15. PLEASE DO NOT CALL THE SCHOOL. 

Q: If my child is already in school and there is a closing due to inclement weather or any other school emergency, how can I find out if and when school will be closing?

A: We will also be using the "One Call Now" system to notify parents via home phone/cell phone numbers.  Radio stations WCTC-1450 AM and WKXW-101.5 FM will be announcing early dismissals or closings periodically on the radio. The information is also listed under Emergencies on the district website and on Cable Channel 15.  PLEASE DO NOT CALL THE SCHOOL. 

Q: What should I do if my child will be absent from school?

A: Please call the school at 732-214-2360 for Parkview students and 732-214-2370 for Joyce Kilmer students.  Please follow the appropriate prompts to report a student absent by 9 AM the morning of the absence. Send in a note to your child’s teacher on the first day of return to turn the absence from unexcused to excused. More detailed information about attendance, absentee and tardiness policies and procedures can be found in the Pupil, Parent & Staff Handbook.

Q: If my child is absent, how do I request work?

A: If your child is absent one day, please get assignments from a classmate. If absent more than one day, request assignments when calling the attendance line.  Work may be picked up at the Parkview Office after 2:30 p.m. or at the Joyce Kilmer Office after 3:30 p.m. on the day of absence.  If you call after 9 a.m., the work may be picked up the next school day. 

Q: At what age(s) must you file working papers?

A: Working papers are required for minors aged 14 through 18.

Q: How can my child obtain working papers?
A: Working Papers applications will be online at Employers hiring teenagers must register online to receive a unique 8-digit code and share that code with every minor they intend to hire. The potential hire can then visit the website to create an account and start their working papers application, entering the employer's unique code. Caregivers must review the details of the job and provide proof of the minor's age. The NJ Department of Labor will notify the business once the application is approved. Rather than going through local schools, younger workers will simply visit this site and be walked through a few easy steps.
Q: If a minor is working more than one job, must working papers be filed for each one? 

A: Yes. 

Q: How can I register my high school student in the District for enrollment at Spotswood High School? Transfer my high school student from a private high school to Spotswood High School? Transfer my elementary school student from a private elementary school to Milltown Schools?

A: Registration forms must be completed in the Business Office in Joyce Kilmer School. An original birth certificate must be presented to verify age and three proofs of residency are required. Acceptable proofs are listed on the registration form and include but are not limited to a lease/deed/mortgage statement, proof of homeowners/renters insurance, utility bill, voter registration card, drivers license, or auto registration.

Q: What age must my child be to register for Kindergarten? First grade?
A: The pupil must attain the age of 5 on or before October 31 of that school year for Kindergarten. The Milltown Board of Education will not consider special requests for waivers of birth date cut-off, nor waivers of age requirement based upon readiness, special abilities, or exceptional advancement. For Grade 1, the pupil will have attained the age of at least six years on or before October 31 of that school year. Having completed an accredited non-public Kindergarten elsewhere, but not having attained the age of at least 6 years by October 31, shall not qualify for enrollment into the first grade.