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Superintendent's Message

Stephanie A. Brown, Ed.D.
Superintendent & Curriculum Director



Please be advised that students will have early dismissal days in June on 6/7, 6/14 and 6/17-6/20.  Eighth grade promotion will be the evening of Thursday, June 19th.  Thursday, June 20th is the last day of school.   Observance of Juneteenth by district staff is on Friday, June 21st, as per NJ state law.
Please be advised that all the school offices will be closed on Fridays during July and August.

The close of the school year is always bittersweet, as we leave friends behind but look forward to the excitement of summer.  As you enjoy your summer, please keep in mind that it is important to maintain some academic continuity.  Incorporating learning informally in your summer activities is a light-hearted way to continue to keep children connected to school without actually being in a classroom.

As the old saying goes…
“The world is my classroom, each day is a new lesson, and every person I meet is my teacher”
~ Craig Harper

Enjoy your summer.

Dr. Stephanie Brown